
Friday, August 4, 2023

A Little Nostalgia

 Throwback to my CHILDhood!


It's been a while, but this mix takes me right back to that awkward middle school age! 

When I play this, I am taken right back to all the times! 

Happy ones, sad ones, and nostalgia overwhelms me.

Take a listen and tell me where in time does this music hit you! 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023



It hits me at the most random times. Triggers are odd.

Today it was while I was doing my online grocery order, looking through the chicken items. 

Banquet fried chicken!!! 

Now....I know this is weird.
However, it reminds of when we were growing up and my dad actually was the one that cooked dinner at our house during the week! 
Several times a month he would cook us Banquet fried chicken with various vegetable sides! 
I remember it being good, I haven't had any in such a long time, I do not know if it's any good now.  
I just know the memories it brings me when I see it! 

Today.... it made me cry, because I miss my daddy SO much!
Maybe I should add this to my grocery order today, for old times sake? 

Friday, June 16, 2023

BEYOND Excited!!

Guess What?!?!? 

I have a "new to me" older brother!! 

What shocking news! What fabulous news! 

To find out at age 51 that you have a brother you had no clue about....

WOW, to say the least.

The exact back story on how this happened is not mine to tell. I will however say that my mother made the only choice she felt she had at the time and she chose ADOPTION!  

Thank God she did not chose ABORTION. 

52 years later, that sweet baby boy she placed for adoption, has found her!

AND found a half sister & brother, Lord help him! :) 

Just kidding, even though I just met him, I feel a connection and already love him. 

At 51 yrs old,  while I understand the reasons,  I feel like I was robbed of a sibling! I wish things had been different so long ago, and I could have known my older brother all my life.  I am very thankful I have him now. I am hopeful, we can grow into a relationship, like we have known each other forever! 

It REALLY is a Small World After All !!

My sweet brother grew up only 2 hours from where I grew up! 

His home town is small & adorable.  We recently traveled there and spent the day with him, his partner, and his 91yr old uncle! 

His home is beautiful & inviting. His farm is delightful with cattle, chickens, & bees!

Thursday, June 1, 2023



I Know You've Heard It Before..........

BUT for realz this time......I'm back! 

I know things, people.....evolve, and I've felt kind of like I've been in a hole for the past 15 years! Raising a daughter, keeping many other people's babies, has kept me too busy to put myself and my wants first. Then my dad passed away,  and then covid hit! I was in ICU for 7 days, and a regular room for 3 days before they let me come home.  When I came home I was on oxygen for a while.
My dad passing away and covid hitting me not once,  but twice,  really knocked me down.  
I feel like I've laid on the couch trying to catch my breath for almost 4 yrs.  

I am going to get my creative side flowing again. 
 I have to. I miss "me" and all things that bring me joy.
( Besides my family )

I. Am. Determined. 

I want to increase my followers here,  I still keep other people's babies,  but not as many, and they are older now, which allows me some time. I am not as exhausted. 

I still have an Etsy shop:

I still have a DoTerra shop:

I still have Fine Art America shop:

Also Check out my ClickAsnap site:
{ I would appreciate some photo views & comments, if you have a minute :) }

I also sling Dry Nail Polish & MakeUp at:

Thursday, October 17, 2019

MY Thoughts on MY Loss


I realize I am not the first person this has happened to.  I have lots of friends and family that have lost parents. I have lost many loved ones. Grandparents,  that's a really tough one. Uncle, not an easy one either. Friends, I miss them dearly. However to loose a different.  I look back to the friends and family that have lost parents,  and I think. WOW!! I was not "there" for you.

I thought I was, I meant to be.......I did not understand.


This loss is like no other.
( I haven't lost a child, so I can not even begin to compare that loss )

This loss is devastating.  My ROOTS are leaving the earth.
The one & only man in my life who loved me unconditionally, to the ends of the earth, to the moon & back, to the depths of his soul. He had my back. 
When the PTA ( yep I said it) did me so wrong and treated me so badly,  he wrote off a business that one of them was involved in. HE.NEVER.WENT.BACK. 
It was one of his favorite places to go. 
He was my safety net.
When things were bad, he was always there to help. 

Did we ever argue? 
Of course. We didn't always see eye to eye on everything. 
It didn't matter. 
He was my solid, no matter what, had my back guy! 
( My husband is good at this also, but it's different )

It's been 2 months and 9days as of today,  since he left me.
(Yes I know he left everyone else too)
Some days are okay. Some are incredibly SAD.


What was the last meal he ENJOYED?
(Esophagus cancer took his joy of eating away)

When was the last time I hugged him, really hugged him?
(chemo took that away from us, he didn't need the germs)

Why didn't he fight harder? 
Didn't he know how desperately I needed him to stay?
What was he thinking? Was he sad or ready to go? 
Did he know he wasn't staying?
Did he know how much I loved him?  I mean REALLY know? 
Did he know that I LOVED the way he loved my baby girl? 
Did he know he was a most awesome grandfather & FIL?
Did he know what an awesome daddy he was? 
( Grumpiness & all)


The guilt of eating in front of him when he couldn't.
The guilt of giving him a metal spoon to taste something I had made him.
The guilt of not hugging him anyway.
The guilt of not telling him how great he really was.
The guilt of  going to the beach, when he can not.
The guilt of not taking his dog.
The guilt of carrying on with my life.
The guilt of not knowing what was happening with him.
The guilt of not making the dr.'s check him after unusual pain.
The guilt of not fighting harder with him.
The guilt of not telling him "it was okay" if he didn't want to fight.
The guilt of not thanking him for treating my adopted baby girl as his own flesh & blood.

I know what everyone thinks of these things. I know he probably knew most of my thoughts. I know what I should think of these things. I can not help where my thoughts go.

Sadness washes over me at some of the oddest times. 
It's a sadness I had not ever known. 

My love for my parents is so strong. I know not everyone has this tight bond and love with their parents. My husband is one of them.  He doesn't quite understand why I am so incredibly sad. He doesn't understand me waking up and just being so sad I cry, and will cry all day off and on. I hope he can make amends with his many parents before they are gone and all he is left with is what should have been. ( Yes I said many parents, long story.) 

I am doing my best to carry on with daily life things. If you met me today you would not know how sad and heart broken I really am. I put on my happy face, and deal with it.  
What else can we do?
Like I said before I.DID.NOT.UNDERSTAND. how great this loss can be. 
I am SO sorry to my friends & family who have lost parents. 
People ask "How are you?"  
I say "Okay" END.OF.CONVO. most of the time.
Really though?? 
Do I try to put into words how I really feel, for people who ask? Do they really want to know?  
I know they care, but they need me to be "okay", otherwise it's awkward. 

My husband wonders..... where is everybody? Why aren't more people calling to check on daughter?  Well honestly it's okay that they are not. 
I don't REALLY want to talk.

It was expected. 
It was not expected. 
Cancer sucks. 
That is not what immediately killed him. 
We thought we had some time.
Not on our time, but God's.
We are not promised tomorrow.
Remember that.

I know many people lost him, but today I needed to talk about my loss.