
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wow Where Does The Time Go ??

Well here I am again,  another month has gone by,  well actually longer than a month.  I've been a very busy little bee.  My new adventures have kept me very busy....creating blogs, adding gadgets, widgets, and info to several different websites I'm doing, promoting my latest venture (s) ! Potty training my daughter, and raising her! Being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and aunt!
Sometimes I think I'm going to get into trouble if I keep adding jobs to my day !  I truly love everything I'm doing and i have the hardest time saying NO...  even to myself!!

So I've started redoing my jewelry pictures and getting them loaded onto my new site for selling it.  Zibbet.  I already have my bath  &  beauty products at Zibbet,  and I thoroughly enjoy this selling venue and I believe in my heart it will surpass Etsy as a popular place to shop hand~made.  There are lots of talented Artists selling their items there.  

I've already purchased several things from there myself.  I got this adorable little Octopus named can see how he got his name....  with all his beautiful colors!  He will be in my daughters stocking for Christmas!  

If you haven't been to Zibbet yet,  you should go and look around.
You can start with one of my shops!

If you feel like you might get lost in the sea of shops, you can go to my blog
where I feature different artists ,  and there are pages on the blog where some of the shop owners have posted links to their shops,  or to items they are promoting for October!

Soon I hope to have my jewelry shop up and running and some new items
to be posted for your viewing delight ;o}  !

Until next time have a safe Halloween if you celebrate it!
