
Thursday, December 18, 2014

What should you start with.......

“What essential oils do you recommend I buy?” is a frequent questions of beginners .....
It’s a tough one to answer, because what EOs you buy depends on what you’re going to use them for. However,  I’ve narrowed it down to 10 essential oils to consider when starting to use them.

1. Peppermint - headaches, clear sinuses and invigorate. 
2. Melaleuca - for all skin issues
3. Lavender - AWESOME for burns, ALL calming things, sleep, relaxing
4. Lemon - LOVE to add this to my drinking water but it's also awesome for a cleanser, cleaning and add to honey to soothe dry throat
5. Frankincense (favorite of mine!) 1 drop under tongue for depression and SO MUCH MORE. it's the King of Oils, blends with everything to make it work better. If Lavender on your pillow isn't working add 1 drop of this to it, and it will knock you out for a very restful sleep! 
6. Breathe (Doterra brand blend) - for all respiratory issues. cough, colds, asthma
7. Digestzen (Doterra brand blend) - LOVE this for heartburn, stomach aches! ALL DIGESTIVE ISSUES!
8. On-Guard (Doterra brand blend) - it's called the protective blend. use it to build up immunity in blood. Studies have been done on this. Kills MRSA in petri dishes. I use this on our feet all the time!
9. Deep Blue (Doterra brand blend) - for all the sore, achy muscles. LOVE DEEP BLUE!
10. Oregano - a natural anti-biotic. use in a capsule when starting to feel sick. Gets rid of sickness FAST. Use as part of cleaning out the GI tract (candida). I also add this to ON GUARD blend when rubbing on our feet!

DISCLAIMER: Information contained here is my personal
opinion and is not meant to treat or cure any disease.
You should always check with your personal physician
before using ANY essential oil especially if you are
nursing or pregnant.  NEVER use essential oils undiluted,
or on children without proper research or consultation 
with a physician or practicing holistic doctor. 
I can only express what I have used and how I have used it. 
ANY purchase and usage of essential oils is solely at your 
own discretion and risk.

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